
Our customer service support and website management provide trustworthy service. We are passionate about our LGBT community and we are happy to find the solution of your needs. The organization offers legal support, free HIV testing, reporting cases of discrimination and more.

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CSGD continues offering free psychological help that supports queer community. Recognizing challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, CSGD provides a safe, inclusive, and confidential space where individuals can seek help without fear of judgment or discrimination. Our qualified mental health professionals are dedicated to addressing a range of issues, including identity exploration, coming out, relationship concerns, […]

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Our legal aid services play a pivotal role in advocating for justiceand human rights. When the rights of LGBTQI+ individuals are violated, CSGD steps in toguide them through the often complex legal processes by offering guidance on reportingincidents, connecting with relevant authorities, and ensuring that their case is heard andaddressed. This includes helping victims of […]

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After a long period of advocacy and engagement by CSGD, as of June 12, 2024, free PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is now being offered at the Infectious Disease Clinic of QKUK. PrEP is a preventative treatment that reduces the risk of HIV infection in cases of exposure to the virus. PrEP, a significant advancement in HIV […]

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Online Platform for Legal & Psychological Support

The online platform dedicated to LGBTI individuals provides the necessary information and services of free legal aid and psychological sessions.In addition to traditional avenues of support, LGBTQI+ individuals can accessservices and resources through the dedicated online platform established by theorganization. This platform offers a safe and accessible space where individuals can seekassistance, guidance, and information […]

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Reproduction and Sexual Health

Services tailored to the unique needs of the LGBTQ+ community, offering support, education, and access to resources for safe and informed sexual practices and reproductive healthcare.CSGD is dedicated to offering healthcare services specified forthe unique needs of LGBTQI+ individuals, easing the aspect of hormonal procedure for transgender people, by working closely with the Ministry of […]

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