CSGD has implemented HIV prevention program since 2005 with a focus on Men who have Sex with Men – MSM. The program is a variety of different activities such as, workshop sessions, outreach activities in seven regions in Kosovo, distribution of condoms and lubricants, and HIV counseling and testing.

The aim of this program is to maintain low prevalence of HIV among MSM while increase condom use; facilitate access to low or no cost condoms and educational materials in places convenient to MSM. Increase sense of self-esteem, increase knowledge and understanding of risk behaviors, decrease sense of isolation, and decrease percentage of MSM reporting problems with depression. Increase number of men who know their HIV status. Decrease number of men reporting unprotected anal intercourse. Increase the capacity of peer educators to conduct outreach and education. Provide opportunities for client centered HIV prevention activities to promote the adoption and maintenance of HIV risk reduction behaviors. Provide general support for safe behaviors, dispel myths about transmission, and support efforts for personal risk reduction.

In July 2006, CSGD in close cooperation with National AIDS Coordinator within the Ministry of Health, has established within its premises the Voluntary Counseling and Testing Center. HIV testing center is designed to be comfortable and friendly for MSM population. It is anonymous and confidential.