
In homophobic/transphobic/biphobic societies, addressing inequality and discrimination against LGBTQI+ individuals remains a top priority. CSGD is committed to promoting acceptance and understanding among the Kosovar public. We aim to raise awareness about the challenges, discrimination occurring in many fields and homophobic attacks that LGBTQI+ people face daily in Kosovo. Our approach includes
increasing visibility and challenging common misconceptions about sexual orientation and gender identity.

A significant challenge is the lack of informational materials in Albanian, hindering public education and enabling misinformation. To combat this, CSGD continues to work closely with public institutions, civil society organizations, and academia, fostering strong partnerships to create a more inclusive society.
We also focus on expanding our research efforts to address issues relevant to LGBTQI+ individuals in Kosovo. These researches serve as a foundation for designing more informed and effective programs, further strengthening our advocacy and awareness-raising initiatives and increase understanding and acceptance among general population in regard to LGBTIQ+ individuals.