
CSGD is focused to operate in four main areas LGBTI community in Kosovo will benefit the wellbeing and exercise their rights.

Community Building

CSGD is intensively focused on increasing capacities of LGBTI persons for organising themselves as activists to advocate in improvement of the well-being of LGBTI persons. This is done through variety of trainings, workshops, group discussions, social activities and networking programmes. The drop-in centre is available all year round to visitors from the community who can […]

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In homophobic/transphobic/biphobic societies, addressing inequality and discrimination against LGBTQI+ individuals remains a top priority. CSGD is committed to promoting acceptance and understanding among the Kosovar public. We aim to raise awareness about the challenges, discrimination occurring in many fields and homophobic attacks that LGBTQI+ people face daily in Kosovo. Our approach includesincreasing visibility and challenging […]

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In light of recent developments in the LGBTQI+ situation in Kosovo, theprimary objective remains to elevate advocacy efforts aimed at bolstering the legalframework pertaining to the rights of LGBTQI+ individuals and ensuring its effectiveimplementation at both local and national levels.CSGD remains committed to advocating for the recognition of LGBTQI+individuals’ legal rights in Kosovo. This includes […]

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CSGD has implemented HIV prevention program since 2005 with a focus on Men who have Sex with Men – MSM. The program is a variety of different activities such as, workshop sessions, outreach activities in seven regions in Kosovo, distribution of condoms and lubricants, and HIV counseling and testing. The aim of this program is […]

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