Pride Week 2021

Together and proud

Pride Week 2021 was held on June 28 – July 1, where through the slogan “Together and Proud” (me shiku qysh ka qene perkthimi) called for solidarity, equality, justice and social change.

Together – because only together can we achieve an equal and dignified society to live in; Proud – because LGBTQI + people are an inevitable part of every social segment, and proud of their orientation and identity.

During this week a series of events/activities were organized, including:

· Official opening of Pride Week 2021 in the government building under patronage of the Office for Good Governance, Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination – Office of the Prime Minister.

· “Let’s Pride” event that marked the unofficial opening of Pride Week to celebrate the diversity of LGBTQI+ people;

· Conference “Civil Code and Inclusion: Same-Sex Marriage”, with the first panel “Institutional Approach to the Draft Civil Code” and the second panel “International Perspectives on the Right to Same-Sex Marriage”;

· Discussion: “Lesbian, bisexual, trans and queer women in the LGBTI + movement”;

· Movie night: “Holy Mess”;

· Performance “Are you a girl or a boy !?”;

· Night of drag performances: “Balkan Ballroom”;

· Discussion: “Mental health in pandemic conditions”;

· Exhibition “Me kqyr qysh e kane perkthy sakt artistat” by Petrit Halilaj and Alvaro Urbano;

· Theatrical performances: “I am a woman myself”;

· Pride Parade.